Monday, June 16, 2014

The Process in Making Movie for IPE Project

We are chosen to make a video about "Food Security in Indonesia" and how import affects Indonesia's food security. In this video, we collect the information from two different sources. The interviewees are Mr. Taufan Akib from BULOG as Kabag Humaslem, Mr. Ronald J. Silalahi from The Ministry of Trade as Kepala Seksi Pd Subdit Barang Pertanian, Kehutanan, Perikanan dan Kelautan and also his colleague, Mr. Eka Purnama as Staf Subdit Barang Pertanian, Kehutanan, Perikanan dan Kelautan.

From their point of view about food import and food security in Indonesia, we can conclude that Indonesia has the potential to increase the quality of food production without having to ban import because even if import has a lot of negative impact on Indonesia's food security, we cannot deny that Indonesia still need to import, because we believe that import still has an important role in Indonesia.
And in order to prevent food shortage or food crisis, Indonesia needs to develop their production in rice so that we will have the ability to supply rice ourselves without having to depend on other countries.

At Ministry of Trade with Mr. Ronald J. Silalahi and Mr. Eka Purnama

At BULOG with Mr. Taufan Akib

From our video we hope that people will be informed about the condition of food security in Indonesia by viewing from the experts' point of view which are from BULOG and Ministry of Trade. And here we also hope that the related institution can consider more in making policies about food security in Indonesia by watching our video.

Our video can be found at:
Group One's Member:

Alvin Ernesto - 1701350380
Yohana Sarah Mukti K - 1701349933
Dewi Mulyasari - 1701345645
Yusuf Mukhlisin - 1701345430
Hardiyanto Gunawan - 1701327144
Gusti Putri Dewi - 170132534
Frisca Omega Kaligis - 1701351894

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